Encouragement of Service Learning
1. Students are encouraged to give service. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, Red Cross, Community Youth Committee, Volunteer Teams and Fung Ling Youth Committee are organization with this ends for establishment.
2. 46 students from Volunteer Teams A and B were conferred the Certificate of Community Service conferred by NT Prinicipals’ Association held programme named Today's Service, Tomorrow's Leaders. All the three teams had a service hours totaling 3529 hours and nominated by Youth Centre of Buddhist Association for eligible application for Gold Award of Volunteer Team in Volunteer Campaign hosted by Social Work Department. 4 students won eligibility for silver award, 35 for bronze award and 2 for 5-year long service award.
3. School promotes outside school service, a total of 322 students from different forms gave service of 6427 hours while the school was honoured “School with Golden Heart” by Hong Kong Youth Association.
Balanced Development
1. A total of 216 extra-curricular activities were held for the balanced development of students in 6 aspects, namely virtue, intelligence, sociability, physical health, aesthetics and spiritual enhancement.
2. A total of 641 counts of head were conferred awards, certificates and commendation prize in 144 items, covering 149 in 53 academics, 104 in 37 physical education, 85 in 11 aesthetics, 303 in others plus scholarship. As compared to the end of the last 3-year school plan(2011-2012) with 174 head counts in 130 items: 101 in 40 academics, 134 in 59 physical education, 51 in 18 aesthetics and 185 in 13 other categories and scholarship.