B3. Language Policy Bilingual and Tri-dialect Competence

In order to boost students' bilingual and tri-dialect competence, all language teachers
are well-versed with relevant qualifications for subject specialization.
The deployment of two NETs also makes possible a wide array of activities like English Café, Halloween Celebrations, etc. Elite students are taught in English in specific topics of chosen subjects.

Rich English campus atmosphere
Rich English campus atmosphere made possible through school based e-learning
platform, customized interactional English curriculum, English for One Minute,
Morning English Reading, NET Chat, etc. The school is also actively coaching students
for Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival, Writing Contest and Story Telling
Competitions, and has seen years of excellent achievements. The school got 10
champions, 6 1st runners-up, 7 2nd runner-up and 91 merits/proficiency awards in
36 public language events.