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"Screw the pooch"

To screw up; to fail in dramatic and ignominious fashion.

"Shoot the breeze"

To chat idly or generally waste time talking.

"Sleep with the fishes"

Euphemism for dying or death.

"Spill the beans"

Reveal someone's secret.

"Split the whistle"

To arrive just on time.

"Take the biscuit (UK)"

To be particularly bad, objectionable, or egregious.

"Take the cake (US)"

To be especially good or outstanding.

"Through thick and thin"

Both good and bad times.

"Thumb one's nose"

To express scorn or to disregard.

"Trip the light fantastic"

To dance

"Under the weather"

Feel sick or poorly

"You can say that again"

That is very true; expression of wholehearted agreement

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