C1. School Ethos
C1. School Ethos

Commendable behaviours

Commendable behaviours are credited through programmes like Saurus Award and
Discipline/Cleanliness Competitions. 620 students awarded a dazzling 4224
commendation stamps, among which 145 got gold, 95 silver, 115 bronze and 114
purple, generating very positive response from parents and hence soliciting a
welcoming subsidy to expand number of awardees next year.


Conduct and Punctuality

The school honours simplicity and austerity, and hence students' dress-code,
punctuality and assembly etiquette can all live up to expectation. 99% of students
were punctual to school and 12.8% were awarded Merit of Conduct.


Experience Sharing

The school was the invited guest speaker of Showcase of Discipline and Counselling
Work at School – Teachers Experience Sharing Day 2013 held by Education Bureau,
as well as the 2014 Spiritual Education Sharing co-hosted by Hong Kong Institute of
Education and Spiritual Education Centre.

訪客人次:9036889佛教黃鳳翎中學Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College
地址:香港銅鑼灣東院道11號Address : 11 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
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